Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thank You!

Thank you to all the churches who have registered so far!

Atkinson Faith
Colorado Springs Heritage
Colorado Springs Mountain View
Denver First
Fort Collins Foothills
Red Cloud

If you haven't registered yet, it's not too late! See the post below for registration details.

Just thinking about...OUTREACH!

Just this morning I was reading an e-mail from a relative of mine who is a missionary in Papua New Guinea. She was describing an upcoming outreach event they were undertaking as follows:

Monday they took a bus to Lae on the coast and (hopefully) Wednesday boarded a boat bound for Oro Bay. After a night on the boat, they land and take a bus to Popendetta, another bus to the Afore district, and then walk 2 hours to a village to sleep. Besides Bibles, they took guitars, extra strings, lanterns, loud speakers, microphone, car battery, and ace bandages sent by some of you. They’ll spend 10 days walking in the Afore area, another 2 days in Popendetta on their way back, and then return. Our team has been praying that the Lord will bless their skits, songs, and sermons to His glory.

Can you imagine the passion they must have for their people to know God that they are willing to do all this just to have an opportunity to share? I must admit…I was convicted.

As women's ministry leaders, many of us are in the middle of planning outreach events for our women, and encouraging them to invite their co-workers, friends, neighbors and relatives. I know that it is sometimes discouraging if women within our ministries don't take advantage of these opportunities for outreach that we leaders work so hard to provide. But my encouragement to you today is not to give up. Your next outreach event may just be the open door that will eventually change a woman's eternity! (And most of us won't have had to walk for 10 days carrying a car battery to make the event happen!)

Have a blessed day!

Just thinking about...CHANGE!

It seems that life is always full of changes, but sometimes we come to those seasons of life where many big changes come all at once and we just have to hang on for the ride! This year seems to be one of those years for me. I never dreamed that God would call me to begin pastoring a small church in Fort Collins. In addition to new personal responsibilities, a new home, a new community and a new school for my son, my daughter left yesterday for her first year of college—in Indiana! Although all these things are good things and very much directed by God, they are all big changes nonetheless. I am so glad that in the middle of chaotic-feeling seasons we can hold the hand of our God who never changes! God’s word assures us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” This also means that the promises we find in His Word are just as true today as the day they were spoken or written. They never change or expire!

I am aware that many of you have gone through or are going through big changes in your life that may not be as positive or as pleasant as my big changes. Give yourself permission to grieve and keep your hand tightly in the hand of our very big God who never changes by hanging on to one or more of His promises!

Now it’s your turn. What is a promise you are hanging on to today in the middle of your ever-changing life? Encourage your sisters in the Lord today by sharing your promise. Be assured of my care and concern for you. You are loved!


Note: Some of you may be confused about my new responsibilities and how they fit with my position at Greeley Wesleyan. At GWC I am employed part-time as Director of Women’s Ministries. My remaining time is spent as solo pastor of Foothills Wesleyan Church, a small congregation going through a re-focus process to help us reach the people in northwest Fort Collins with the good news that God loves them! I appreciate your prayers as I endeavor to balance these two areas of ministry.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kickoff Ideas from Oshkosh!

Vonnie Lutz shares the following kickoff ideas...thanks Vonnie!

During the summer, our women's leadership team meets for a "marathon" meeting. This can last up to 6 hours so we set aside an entire day, an evening & morning (with a fun sleepover), or one very long evening meeting. By the end of this meeting, we've set a tentative schedule for at least 8 monthly outreach events (OASIS-like), monthly leadership team meetings, selected offering projects for each month, planned our annual Craft Show fundraiser, and planned the kick off event (usually held in August) in detail. Of course, we also have lots of fun and brainstorming along the way -- and good food!

The key to helping us carry out all of our plans, though, is to assign two team members to each event. (We pair inexperienced members with more experienced ones.) The pair is responsible for researching ideas for their event, including theme, decorations, food, program, helpers, etc. They present one or two suggestions to the rest of the team at the leadership team meeting prior to their event. Then the rest of the team helps to "flesh out" the ideas and shares responsibilities to carry it out. Having the ideas at the beginning of the meeting really helps to save planning time for the team. It also gives everyone a chance to suggest ideas they would like.

These photos were taken at a western-themed event we hosted called "Spur One Another On." A local gal does a hilarious impersonation of Dolly Parton and was a sensation! We had also included a time of line dancing to Christian music, races on stick horses, and a western barbecue. Of course, we also included a short devotional on Hebrews 10:24. Cowboy boots, saddles, etc. were used as decorations and women were encouraged to wear their western outfits. Great fun!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Automatic Blog Update Notification

Would you like to be automatically notified every time there is an update to this blog? It's easy! Just scroll to the bottom of this page until you find the "subscribe" link. Click on the link and follow the directions. We want you to stay connected to all the wonderful things that are happening with our Colorado/Nebraska District women!

Don't Forget to Register!

Each local church is encouraged to register with the Wesleyan Women office. You registration fee of only $75 provides you with a terrific resource manual which includes new programs, outreach ideas and many other resources, as well as providing support for our General Wesleyan Women organization. You may register online at

District Women Support "Change for Children" Project

This year our "Change for Children" offering will help supplement teacher's salaries in rural Liberia. These salaries help keep schools open that World Hope has built and that children from the child sponsorship program attend. These offerings can be sent to our District WW Treasurer, Lita Lauber. We would also like to hear about the creative ways your church uses to collect this special offering!

Naponee and Red Cloud Host Fall Nebraska Wesleyan Women's Retreat

The Nebraska Wesleyan Women's Retreat will be held October 17-19, 2008, at the Holiday Inn Express in North Platte, NE. The retreat will feature guest speaker Joanne Wallace, as well as praise and worship by the Wagner Family from Red Cloud, NE. Registration is due by October 5. Questions regarding registration can be directed to Dawn Hartel at 970-330-3600.

GWC Teams help with Memory Book Project

Two teams of women from Greeley Wesleyan Church visited South Africa to help with the Memory Book Project. The first team, led by Sue Budensiek, went in June and the second team, led by Dawn Hartel, went in July. Both teams help people who are living with HIV/AIDS find hope and healing by telling their stories using pictures and journaling, along with lots of stickers! The first team worked with individuals who were dealing with late stages of the disease. The second team worked with young and middle-aged moms who have received the diagnosis but are receiving treatment, as well as grandmothers who are caregivers for their grandchildren due to the loss of their parents from the disease. As a result of this project, some began a personal relationship with Christ, and others were overjoyed and received much encouragement from having someone sit next to them, listen and help them record their stories. For many, the book they created becomes their only legal document stating their last wishes.

The two teams thank the many people who were praying for them during their trip, as well as supporting them during their many fundraising efforts this past year. As with most every mission trip the ladies felt blessed beyond anything they had to offer to others, but are thankful for the opportunity to share God's love in this part of the world in support of this very special project.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Greeley Hosts District Convention

Join us on Friday, July 18, in the Student Center at Greeley Wesleyan Church for our annual Wesleyan Women Convention. District Director Dawn Hartel will share on the topic "The Story of My Life." Join us to find out how your story can make a difference in the lives of others!

Mrs. Sue Budensiek will also also give a presentation of her team's trip to South Africa with World Hope's Memory Book Project.

This is an exciting day for our district ladies, and you won't want to miss it! Please register in advance (no charge) by calling Amy Stuart at 970-330-3600.

See you there!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hephzibah Children's Home Needs Your Help!

Dear Wesleyan Women,

Yesterday I was over in the supply room and it was brought to my attention that we are in need of a few items. Many of our Wesleyan Women are always wanting to know ways they can help. Here are a few items we can use:

Personal Care: body wash, bar soap (Dove & Dial), body lotion, deodorant, mouthwash (no alcohol), toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, hair brushes, hair accessories, hand sanitizer.
Medicines: Tylenol, Advil, Enosporin, digital thermometers
For Elizabeth Home: baby socks, baby wipes, phone cards, Wal-Mart gift cards

Your help is greatly appreciated!
Shirley Duncan, Hephzibah Children's Home

Hephzibah Presents "The Gathering"--April 21-25, 2008

Hephzibah Children's Home invites all senior adults to enjoy four heartwarming days of inspiration, fun and fellowship in the Great Smoky Mountains--Pigeon Forge, TN. There might be some ladies in your church that would enjoy making a trip down to Tennessee to shop, laugh, play, enjoy wonderful music and fellowship, meet new friends, and experience a time of spiritual renewal. If you have any questions please contact Audrey Ruth at 478-477-3383 ext. 114 or Information is also available at the web site --Submitted by Shirley Duncan, Hephzibah Children's Home

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

World Hope recruiting teachers for short term mission trips

How are you planning to spend your summer? Are you a teacher? If so, will you consider using your teaching gifts and skills to serve teachers in the developing world?

What is a Teacher Mentoring Team? A group of American teachers organized by World Hope International that travels to a developing country with the purpose of leading workshops to help local teachers improve all aspects of their teaching.

Who can go? Teachers with at least three years teaching experience or teacher educators interested in having global influence.

Below is a list of proposed Teacher Mentoring Teams and needs for 2008. We hope you will consider serving on one or sharing the opportunities with a teacher in your life. Please contact the World Hope International office (link to the right) to receive more information or to request an application.

Azerbaijan: July 10-July 22, 2008
Cambodia: July 3-15, 2008
Guyana: June 20-June 29, 2008
Haiti: July 19-July 27, 2008
Kosovo: June 27 - July 6, 2008
Liberia: July 3-14, 2008
Sierra Leone: July 17-29, 2008
Bosnia: May 10-17, 2008

Training DVD Coming from Wesleyan Women Office!

A new training DVD has been prepared by the General Office. This DVD contains information about the purpose of Wesleyan Women, resources for women’s ministry, outreach ministries, retreat planning, WKFM coordinators, communication, treasurers’ reports and fundraising ideas, where your money goes, how one district leads with a leadership team, ideas for exciting conventions and newsletters. A Training DVD will be sent to each registered church within the month. This is not meant to be viewed at one sitting, but rather as a resource for you for information and ideas as you wish.

Greeley Wesleyan Women Throw “Ultimate Birthday Bash” Event

On Friday evening, January 25, the women at our church hosted a “Birthday Bash” in order to celebrate the gift of each other! The women were greeted with a birthday goodie bag of free stuff to take home (bead necklace, nail file, pencil, chocolate, and promotional material). Their next stop was the “Girlfriends Photo Op” where they could dress up in boas, sunglasses and party hats and have their picture taken together. We then printed the pictures for them and gave them to them as they left. Other options for the evening included a hand-pampering station, make your own party hat craft area, decorate your own cupcake to enjoy with ice cream, karaoke, DDR challenge (a dance game for Playstation), and large groups games. Over 100 ladies enjoyed laughing and spending the night together with their girlfriends. This event is designed as an outreach so that women of the church can bring their non-churched friends to a non-threatening event. We also invited the middle school and high school girls to this particular event. They loved it! Christian women can and do have a lot of fun!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Heart of Ministries Offering

Our theme for this year's offering is "A Heart for Life." The Wesleyan Church believes in the sanctity of life for all--unborn babies, infants, children, teens, and adults. Wesleyan Women will collect funds for ministries that provide services and protection for others. The following will benefit from the 2008 Heart of Ministries Offering:
  • Ministries to fight human slavery in North America and worldwide.

  • Hephzibah's ministries for the unborn through young adults who are transitioning into society.
  • AIDS/HIV orphans in Zambia.
  • Evangelism and discipleship tools and materials, including the Proclaimer box (God's Word dramatized in many heart languages).
  • Leadership development for present and future ministry leaders.
  • Russian orphans.
  • Livno development project to improve the quality of life in a Bosnia community.
  • Hospital milk--purchase of formula and powdered milk for infants in our Haitian hospital.
  • Missionary care and renewal.
Thank you for partnering in ministry with us and for your continued giving through the Heart of Ministries Offering. Together we can do so much more than any of us can alone.

Additional resources (program, list of projects, downloadable DVD) are available on the Wesleyan Women's website. Just use the link in the column to the right!